Frank Whittle filed this, his first patent for a gas turbine to propel an aircraft directly by its exhaust on 16th January 1930
Filed by Whittle when aged 22 and training to become a RAF Flying Instructor. It shows the air passing through a two-stage axial compressor followed by a single-stage/single-sided centrifugal compressor thence entering a number of combustion chambers arranged radially around the rotor. Following combustion, it shows that the expanding gasses pass through a single-stage axial turbine on the same shaft as the compressor. Modern small gas turbines follow a similar layout. Once granted, the patent was published and became available worldwide. It lapsed in 1934 when Whittle found himself unable to afford the renewal fee of £5.
1. Axial compressor casing
2. Intake
3. Compressor body
4. Compressor blades
5. Stator blades
7. Centrifugal compressor
8. Compressor outlet
9. Elbow
10. Combustion chambers
11. Fuel injector
12. Nozzle guide vane
13. Turbine disk
14. Turbine blades
15. Stator blades
16. Shaft
17. Divergent nozzle ring
1. Axial compressor casing
2. Intake
3. Compressor body
4. Compressor blades
5. Stator blades
7. Centrifugal compressor
8. Compressor outlet
9. Elbow
10. Combustion chambers
11. Fuel injector
12. Nozzle guide vane
13. Turbine disk
14. Turbine blades
15. Stator blades
16. Shaft
17. Divergent nozzle ring